Why us?

Our fun, fresh and lively method encourages and motivates students of all ages to play. Not only are we teaching them to learn an instrument, but helping them to develop a love for music.

We teach music reading, theory, composing, ear-training, and music vocabulary. We teach them to read to become independent as soon as possible. Nowadays, it’s often about being “cool” so we keep that in mind in what we teach as well as in the way we teach. And with our young and talented teachers, students relate very well, being able to learn classical music as well as anything current.

We also offer piano lessons for children with special needs.

In-Home Lessons Advantages

Advantages for parents: the elimination of drive time so that your family can have more time to be a family and eliminating money spent on gas. Being at home also allows parents to listen to their kids, and see them grow.

Advantages for students: being in their own environment allows them to be themselves and truly excel in their learning. We help highlight each student’s strength and continually encourage them to play the best they can!

We truly believe in We truly believe in what we do. Join us and become a part of our big music family!

Tara O'Brien

Founder’s Notes

Tara, founder of Cascade Melody School of Music, has been teaching since the early age of 14. She has developped her own teaching method and truly believes in her teaching philosophy. Tara graduated with a B.M. in Music Therapy in 2010 at Chapman University and combines both her knowledge of music and psychology.

Tara was a student in the Preparatory Division of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music for two years before attending Chapman. Tara is also bilingual and is proud to offer lessons in both French or English. Tara is also a recording artist and has released four albums (the 4th most recently released on June 30th 2015) that are availble on itunespandoraspotify, and many more places! She incorporates her experience as a recording artist with her students.

Click here to know more about Tara.